The black wave has engulfed the world. Everything is coloured black — from regular things to the least expected, like ice cream. What makes this colour so popular and special? Let’s figure it out.
The Miraculous Black
The black colour is a symbol of elegance and power. Did you know that black is considered a warm and heavy colour? Among two boxes, white and black, the black one will seem heavier. Psychology claims black to be a warm colour. It is associated with the surface heated by the sun.
It is also interesting that totally black objects don’t exist in the nature. The bodies of this colour absorb the light but do not radiate or transmit it. Without going into physics theory, one should mention that everyone’s favourite black is not a colour, but its absence.
Let’s Colour the World… Black!
Black is a universal colour, which has been and remains popular. Thus, it’s no wonder the world witnesses the black boom. It has touched every sphere of life and many manufacturing companies.
Let’s Taste Black
Food producers please their customers not only with a variety of new flavours but also with new colours. Now meat pockets, macaroni, charcoal bread and coffee are available in the trendy black.
And as the temperature rose, all rushed to the groceries for their favourite chilling treat: the ice cream.
We have supported the black trend: now grocery stores are filled with the unusual
Black Ice made by TM Rud. Black Ice is a completely black ensemble from package to ice cream and a crispy chocolate cone. To make the ice cream black, we have added a healthy natural food colour: the vegetable charcoal. It does not have either smell or flavour and is totally safe.
Colour of the Year in the Interior
Besides new products at the food market, the trend reveals itself in other spheres, too. For instance, if you want to make your home more comfortable, add a pinch of black.
According to the version of PPG Company, which produces paints and varnishes, the “black flame” hue is considered a trend in the 2018 interior design. It is a mix of black and blue, which, by the way, resembles charcoal and asphalt.
Fans of this hue use it everywhere: on the ceiling, the floor, windows and doors. They also buy black furniture and black household appliances. The unusual colour adds its zest and contrast to surprise your friends with a luxurious black fridge instead of a white one.
Monochromatic Trend
To look most beautiful without taking extra effort for combining or selecting clothes, wear black. Totally black looks are increasingly frequent on podiums, which is not a surprise: black is considered a symbol of elegance and sexuality. The black boom was followed by such famous brands as Loewe, Givenchy, Cavalli, and Dior, which have extended their 2018 spring collections with the classic white-and-black combo.
Also, pay attention that brave women of fashion wear black on their lips!
Classic Popularity
The black colour has been and will remain popular among the lovers of hardware and cars. Psychologists claim that this colour defines the owners of black things as respectable and successful leaders. This is the colour observed among almost all manufacturers of premium-class cars. For instance, the world renowned BMW impressed the world with a matte black sports car, while Apple released a new black IPhone.
No one knows what else will be black. Meanwhile, we will enjoy what we have as summer is a great time for experiments!