The Company of “Rud” hereby presents the next newcomers: Green Peas and Paprikash: 400 g packs.

Green Peas, 400 g

Wholesome and tasty product that has been traditionally being used in cookery and folk medicine since olden times. It contains A, C, P and B group vitamins. Moreover, green peas are rich of minerals, among which phosphor, magnesium and iron prevail.

In the field of folk medicine green peas are used for prevention of vitamin deficiency, treatment of liver and kidneys. The above is conditioned by rich content of protein and salts. Also it has been proved that green peas have antisclerotic effect.

Cooking procedure is very easy: boil in some amount of salted water (without previous defrosting) and strain it after.

"Paprikash", 400 g

The frozen vegetable mix "Paprikash" has been specially prepared by the “Rud” Company professionals for the devotees of sweet pepper and its derivative products. Except of the aforesaid sweet pepper, the newcomer includes tomatoes, zucchini, pepper and sliced green beans. Wholesome properties of the "Paprikash" mix ingredients are described below.

Pepper is rich of vitamins and minerals, like С, В1, В2, В6, РР and А vitamins, carotene, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, phosphor and magnesium.

Zucchini is a species of squash having the comprehensive set of the wholesome elements. It is rich of potassium, sodium, phosphor, magnesium and iron. It contains carotene, В, С, РР and Е vitamins, provitamin A and pectin based substances. First of all zucchini is an ideal food for weight loss as it is extremely low-calorie product. Moreover, its properties enabling to enhance digestion and clean organism of harmful substances make it very wholesome food for those who takes care of the own health.

In addition to perfect and balanced composition properties, tomatoes contain citric acid, proteins, С, В, В2, Р and К vitamins, carotene, iron, phosphor and potassium salts. They are considered to be an ideal food for dietary ration.

Green beans are also very effective for everybody striving for weight loss.

It is very wholesome product due to rich content of amino-acids, microelements and vitamins required for the organism of a man. No one can imagine healthy ration without these green beans.

Purchase “Rud” TM wholesome products!

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